Important Notice

These are some important items you must be aware of, and bring with you in order for us to prepare your 2024 Income Tax Return. We will be mailing out our usual post card, listing our start date and business hours on January 22nd, 2025. 

Identity Protection Pin (IP PIN):  If you have been assigned an IP Pin by the Internal Revenue Service in the past you will receive notice CP01A between mid-December and early January with your pin for 2024. You must bring this letter with you when you come to prepare your return. 

Virtual Currency:   If at any time during 2024, you received, sold, exchanged, or otherwise dispose of any financial interest in any virtual currency, we will need to know about it.  Supporting documents will be required. 

Additional Information:  Our 2024 Tax letter will be available on our website on or about January 10, 2024, it will address all the New Tax Rules for 2024 along with other useful information you will need for us to complete you 2024 tax return. Any questions please call us during business hours.  Thank You.