2024 Tax Information
Many thanks for your past patronage. This year it is my pleasure to assist you again in the preparation of your tax returns. This will mark our 85th year doing business in Bay Ridge. I will go into our dates and hours of operations, procedure for entering and remaining in the office, Alternatives for getting your documents to us, our new price structure, along with listing certain documents we will need to prepare your 2024 tax return.
The IRS has stated that they will start accepting tax returns on January 27, 2025. We will also start on that date. Monday, January 27 and go through April 15, 2025. Our hours are listed below:
Starting - January 27th, 2025
January 27th to April 9th |
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday evenings
6 pm to 8 pm, Saturdays 10 am to 4 pm
April 10th &11th | Office will be open 9 am to 8 pm |
April 12th, Saturday | Office will be open 10 am to 4 pm |
April 13th, Sunday | Office will be closed |
April 14th, Monday | Office will be open 9 am to 8 pm |
April 15th, Tuesday | Office will be open 9 am to 7 pm |
Alternatives to in office preparation:
1) Drop off at our office during business hours or through our mail slot when we are closed.
2) Mail (Post office, UPS, FedEx)
3) Secure E-mail
4) Fax
5) Secure portal.
Your completed returns will be returned to you through the following methods:
1) Pickup at our office during business hours.
2) Mail – We use the United States Postal Service only.
3) You can arrange for FedEx if preferable.
4) Email through our Secure Portal.
Last year's tax return |
Social Security cards and Birth Certificates for all dependents | Purchase and sale information for anything sold during the year |
All other statements of income | Donations of property to charity | Donations of money to charity |
W-2 forms for wages | IRA year-end statements | Volunteer/Business expenses and mileage |
1099 forms for interest, dividends, retirement, social security, unemployment, and other income |
Medical expenses | Amounts paid for higher education form 1098-T |
Year-end statements from mutual funds | Records of estimated taxes paid | Job-related expenses |
K-1 forms from partnerships, corporations, and estates |
Property tax statement | Investment related expenses |
Rental or self-employment income and expense |
1098 forms for mortgage or student loan interest, along with receipts for college tuition |
Child care provider's name, address, social security number, and amount paid |